
编号 标题 来源 正确 (人数 ) / 已提交 (正确率 ) 标签
1584 找树根和孩子 数据结构-树结构 5 ( 5) / 24 (21%)
1853 数组结构转链表结构二叉树 算法宝典3 树 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
1888 通信网络 算法宝典3 图 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
1895 信息共享 算法宝典3 图 0 ( 0) / 2 (0%)
1901 圆桌会议 算法宝典3 图 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
1903 破译密文 算法宝典3 图 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
1925 指挥中心 算法宝典3 图 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2249 擦除游戏 算法宝典2 子串问题 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
2288 预算 算法宝典2 分治 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2294 交叉的梯子 算法宝典2 分治 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2316 组合数的高精度运算 算法宝典2 高精度 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2322 世纪梭哈 算法宝典2 模拟算法 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
2333 四色地图(缺spj) 算法宝典2 搜索 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2336 骑士遍历普通版(缺spj) 算法宝典2 搜索 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2341 15数码问题 算法宝典2 搜索 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2342 最小的木棍 算法宝典2 搜索 0 ( 0) / 9 (0%)
2357 穿越时空 算法宝典2 贪心算法 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
2364 分形图2 算法宝典2 递归算法 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2372 纵横火柴棒(缺spj) 算法宝典2 枚举算法 蓝桥杯2012 0 ( 0) / 5 (0%)
2378 推理游戏 算法宝典2 枚举算法 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2394 有重复元素的全排列 算法课习题 71 ( 66) / 207 (34%)
2397 快乐的跳跃者 算法课习题 0 ( 0) / 2 (0%)
2422 素数环问题 算法课习题 45 ( 41) / 201 (22%)
2444 分割金币 2017 长乐暑期集训 第3套 石光中学 0 ( 0) / 9 (0%)
2576 图的邻接表存储方式 课课通 STL 0 ( 0) / 15 (0%)
2578 矩阵翻转 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2590 指数序列 课课通 STL 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
2596 字符串匹配 课课通 STL 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2602 排名 课课通 STL 1 ( 1) / 2 (50%)
2679 农场阳光 蓝桥杯VIP7 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
2782 Image Processing Project 2019徐州工程学院新生赛 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
2784 CoolGuang的岛国问题 2019徐州工程学院新生赛 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
2807 Problem A GSS的背包 2018训练赛--武汉大学 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2839 K. Zayin and String 2019 CCPC xiamen onsite 2 ( 1) / 5 (40%)
2853 L Yet Another Stones Game 2020中国计量大学校赛 0 ( 0) / 10 (0%)
2902 Jewel Magic UVA 11996 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
2912 Budget ACM Trhran 2003 Preliminary 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
2924 Skiers 9th Polish Olympiad in Informatics 2001/2002 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2926 圆桌问题 AHOI1999 0 ( 0) / 2 (0%)
2927 Contact IOI1998 0 ( 0) / 2 (0%)
2933 Promotion 7th Polish Olmpiad in Informatics 1999/2000 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
2952 吟诗 2022CSPJ补赛 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3023 大凤号装甲空母 石光中学 冲刺2017赛前网模day1 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3024 夕立号驱逐舰 石光中学 冲刺2017赛前网模day1 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3080 划分序列 石光中学 冲刺2017 泉州集训 提高组 day1 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3082 树形图计数 石光中学 2017长乐暑期集训第6套 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3087 生物学2 石光中学 冲刺2017赛前网模day3 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3090 旅行 石光中学 冲刺2017 泉州集训 分班测试 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3091 菜园 石光中学 冲刺2017 泉州集训 分班测试 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3093 最有排名 石光中学 冲刺2017 泉州集训 提高组 day1 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3094 怪兽(superm) 石光中学 冲刺2017 常州 第8套 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3108 J Operating on the Tree【官方数据错误】 2020牛客-3 0 ( 0) / 7 (0%)
3117 G Geometry Challenge 2020牛客-4 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3137 Rocket Mania Fantasy Game Contest (陈世熹主办) 0 ( 0) / 2 (0%)
3160 ASCII Art Northeastern Europe 2006 0 ( 0) / 2 (0%)
3179 A funny game Ural State University collegiate programming contest 2000 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
3185 Game of Flying Circus 2015ACM/ICPC亚洲区沈阳站 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
3255 Calendar ACM Shanghai 2004 Preliminary 0 ( 0) / 17 (0%)
3272 Moscow Time ACM Northeastern Europe 1996 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
3292 Expression Evaluator ACM Tehran 2006 Preliminary 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
3322 Lazy Math Instructor ACM Tehran 2000 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
3382 Train Swapping UVA 299 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
3416 Keywords Search 残废 HDUOJ 2222 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3423 Building Bridges ACM World Finals 2002/03 Beverly Hills(USA) 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3434 Family View 2016 ACM/ICPC Asia Regional Qingdao Online 0 ( 0) / 5 (0%)
3503 Function 2020杭电多校第五场 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
3530 Basic Wall Maze Ulm Local 2006 0 ( 0) / 8 (0%)
3539 The Net UVA 627 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3568 Network Northeastern Europe 2001, Northern Subregion 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
3609 Toll ACM world finals, Beverly Hills 2002-2003 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
3619 COURSES Southeastern Europe 2000 0 ( 0) / 5 (0%)
3632 Software Allocation UVA 259 0 ( 0) / 2 (0%)
3635 Mysterious Mountain OIBH Online Programming contest #1 0 ( 0) / 2 (0%)
3638 Sudoku Southeastern Europe 2005 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3642 Package Pricing World Finals 1994 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3677 Squares POJ Monthly,Guang Lin 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3685 Product 2020杭电多校第九场 0 ( 0) / 2 (0%)
3694 Mine Sweeper 2020杭电多校第十场 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3697 Divide and Conquer 2020杭电多校第十场 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3709 Game schedule required Ulm Local 2005 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3721 Light Bulbs Coding Marathon 1 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3735 Lowest Latency(标程未通过) BAPC 2022 0 ( 0) / 16 (0%)
3775 Packing Rectangles IOI 1995 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
3777 Game of Connections Shanghai 2004 Preliminary 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
3779 Rhyme Schemes Greater New York 2003 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
3781 Bar Codes IOI 1995 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
3783 Tmutarakan Exams 残废 USU Open Collegiate Programming Contest March'2001 Senior Session 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3792 Chocolate Beijing 2002 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
3801 Pixel Shuffle Southwestern Europe 2005 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3811 Gene Assembly ACM South America 2001 0 ( 0) / 2 (0%)
3830 Brackets Sequence Northeastern Europe 2001, UVA 1626 0 ( 0) / 44 (0%)
3874 Rivers IOI 2005, day 2 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3916 Buy Tickets POJ Monthly--2006.05.28, Zhu, Zeyuan 0 ( 0) / 0 (0%)
3923 Task Sequences Asia Guangzhou 2003 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3948 Feng Shui Northeastern Europe 2006, Northern Subregion 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3958 Kadj Squares Tehran 2006 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3965 TOYS Rocky Mountain 2003 0 ( 0) / 4 (0%)
3969 Road Accident Northeastern Europe 2005, Far-Eastern Subregion 0 ( 0) / 1 (0%)
3970 Wild West Central Europe 2005 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)
3974 Rotating Scoreboard Tehran 2006 Preliminary 0 ( 0) / 3 (0%)

